Exploring the interplay between ortho-doxy (right belief) and ortho-praxy (right action)...

...and encouraging a life where these intertwined thoughts and deeds simply happen... by default.

25 June 2007

a perfect church

I think my church just may be perfect...


Well, of course, not 'perfect' in the sense that many mean!

Two things, quickly...

First, the pastors and deacons (who make up the church 'council') recently went on a prayer retreat together. We had times of discussion, corporate prayer, private prayer, walking, talking and singing during the day. Toward the end of the retreat, we all realised what a remarkable thing we had - unity. Not uniformity, but unity. We are all quite different people with quite different personalities and views on various things. But we experienced genuine unity in spite of these things. It was (and is) wonderful.

Second, a lady that has been attending for a while has recently become a member. In her interview with one of the leaders, she made the comment, 'I love this church. It's perfect.'

The leader tried to correct her, but had difficulty.


Now, I'm not saying we don't have flaws, and things we need to change at my church, but we have complete - perfect - unity... in Christ...

What a blessing!



Anonymous said...

I don't believe you. I think you're going through the honeymoon period ;o)

Anonymous said...

Dale, what a testimony that kind of "perfect" unity is to a watching world! It's the very thing they're waiting to see in Christian people. In order to reach the watching world around me, my prayer is..."Lord, teach me to give up my prejudices, all of my sub-Christian attitudes toward fellow brethren in Christ. Make me willing to love them and to show it, for Christ's sake!"